
Since its beginning, in 2008, São Paulo Dance Company has been engaged on several educational activities in order to enlight current and future audiences about the relevance of dance on the society and the developments of this art form through the centuries. The educational programs of SPDC are orientated for a wide range of targets from pre-school children to public school’s teachers. There are also programs directed to the elderly and disabled people and activities developed on socially vulnerable regions of São Paulo.

Open Presentations

São Paulo Dance Company is regularly on the stage for free open presentations directed to students, teachers and senior people. On those occasions, the audience can watch part of the Company’s repertoire. There are also mediation activities that showcase what takes to create a dance performance.

Dance Workshops

Dance students have the chance to experience a bit of the daily routine of a professional company on free dance workshops held by SPDC’s teachers and dancers. There are Classical Ballet Workshops and Contemporary Workshops, in which the students can learn sequences from some of the Company’s repertoire.

Technical Workshops

This activity was created in order to share knowledge and increase qualification of dance professionals who are behind the curtains. It is a moment in which the crew specialized on Audiovisual and Technical Staging exchange ideas and hacks about the challenges of being on the stage with people who intend to make a career on that.

Dance Lectures

On the Dance Lectures, SPDC’s director, Inês Bogéa, relates dance to other areas of knowledge and highlights how this performance art can be understood as an educational and sensitizing element on the formation of young students. They can be help with support documentaries or with mediation tools such as free brochures with suggested activities.

My Dancer Friend

This program aims to expand access to art through dance and the culture of inclusion in hospitals, nursing homes and welfare institutions in the metropolitan region of São Paulo. In each visit, the Company presents choreography excerpts and the dancers chat with various audiences, sharing a little of the universe of this art.