The documentation of the ephemeral art of dance has been one of Sao Paulo Dance Company’s main struggles since its beginning in 2008. Activities such as performances, rehearsals, interviews and educational programs have been intensively recorded through the years and originated many dance films and documentaries that register the effervescent dance history in Brazil.

Figuras da Dança (Dance Figures)
In order to reveal part of the many stories held on the dance world, the Company created the series of documentaries Figuras da Dança, which presents this art by those who lived it in Brazil. The series has currently 37 episodes: Ismael Guiser (1927-2008), Ivonice Satie (1950-2008), Ady Addor (1935-2018), Marilena Ansaldi, Penha de Souza (1935-2020), Ruth Rachou, Luis Arrieta, Hulda Bittencourt, Tatiana Leskova, Angel Vianna, Antonio Carlos Cardoso, Carlos Moraes (1936-2015), Décio Otero, Márcia Haydée, Sônia Mota, Ana Botafogo, Célia Gouvêa, Lia Robatto, Marilene Martins, Ismael Ivo, Edson Claro (1949- 2013), Hugo Travers, JC Violla, Cecília Kerche, Eva Schul, Janice Vieira, Eliana Caminada, Mara Borba, Jair Moraes (1946-2016), Paulo Pederneiras, Nora Esteves, Maria Pia Finocchio, José Possi Neto, Aracy Evans, Tíndaro Silvano, Neyde Rossi y Gisèlle Santoro. You can access the playlist of the series by clicking here.

Making of
The educational and memory projects, presentations and testimonies of people involved with SPCD actions have been recorded on Canteiro de Obras (Construction Site), a series of documentaries that registers the yearly production of the Company. You can also see the making of the repertoire on Dança em Construção (Dance under Construction), a series of short teasers with interviews with choreographers, musicians, stylists, light and set designers from the creations and restages that are being presented during the Company’s seasons. On 2020, during World Ballet Day, SPDC also premiered the documentary Temporada em Construção (Season under Construction), in which the many different professionals from the SPDC team explain what part their jobs play in order to prepare a dance season. You can watch part of those films on SPDC’s channel on YouTube. Click here to access it.