On the Spot


    Ilona Landgraf, Landgraf on Dance / Germany
    June, 2021

    The performance of Les Sylphides was presented virtually as part of the Company’s educational program and was followed by a 30-minute lecture on the work and its production (…) remarkably simultaneously translated into sign language (an achievement yet to be established in Europe). (…) Although Les Sylphides has no plot, it is evident that the poignant poet is in the midst of a romantic dream.


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    Catherine Favre, Arc Info / Switzerland
    February, 2020

    Founded in 2008, São Paulo Dance Companya managed to establish itself in the international scene in less than 20 years. Rich in a solid classical repertoire mixed with contemporary creation, the Brazilian troupe works exclusively with invited choreographers.

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    Helmut Dworschak, Der Landbote/Germany
    February, 2020

    São Paulo Dance Company shines at Theater Winterthur with choreography by Marcia Haydée. […] The result is a very lively show that does not deny its relationship with the audience’s favorites, such as O Swan Lake and Sleeping Beauty. The play is a generously organized banquet, a thought-provoking game of gestures and facial expressions reminiscent of the silent film era, animated pictures in which there is always something to discover on the edges.

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  • Anthea – São Paulo Dance Company

    Caroline Boudet-Lefort , Perform Arts / França
    December, 2019

    Of exceptional quality due to its impeccable technique, where power and fragility are mixed in dynamic energy, this Brazilian company, created in 2008, presented three striking pieces, showing its creative diversity.

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    Robert Yvon, Nice Martin / France
    December, 2019

    “The meeting of the energy of the dancers, the ideas of the choreographers and the joy of everyone”, this is how Inês Bogéa describes the philosophy of the company she directed, the São Paulo Dance Company. Tonight, at the Anthea Theater, artists from Brazil will give their special sensitivity; form one of the most acclaimed stage companies. The contemporary and the classic meet without ever colliding. Here, poetry, so loved by the artistic director, allowed the troupe to offer a new look to the repertoire for 11 years.

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    Ellen Korelus-Bruder, Die Rheinpalz / Germany
    December, 2019

    Deep in their hearts, many choreographers see themselves as painters. But, instead of brush strokes, they clean movements in the air and populate his painting with dancers. The night of three performances that the versatile São Paulo Dance Company brought to the festival at Ludwigshafen in Pfalzbau can best be described with the help of fine arts: a delicate watercolor, a strict ink drawing and an installation with natural light.

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    Ville de Cannes / France
    October, 2019

    Passionate and energetic, the young artists of São Paulo Companhia de Dança combine classical international technique, fluidity and sensuality. This young Brazilian company, directed by Inês Bogéa, former dancer of Grupo Corpo, offers a triple program as virtuous as it is creative. […] São Paulo Companhia de Dança is a young and ultra-dynamic company of impeccable techniques […] a wonderful Brazilian company that deserves to be discovered.

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    Thomas Linden, Kölnische Rundschau / Germany
    October, 2019

    Although the connection between ballet and modern dance is propagated repeatedly, it rarely works. The aesthetic ambitions, hidden behind the respective understanding of dance, are very different. With a historical reconstruction of the work “Suite for Two Pianos”, which Uwe Scholz designed in 1987 for the composition of the same name by Sergei Rachmaninov, São Paulo Companhia de Dança managed to counter the stylistic gap during his performance as a guest at the Cologne Opera House. There was something for all dance fans on this program and everyone was satisfied, as you can see from the stormy applause from the audience.

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    Andreas Berger, Wolfsburger Nachrichten / Germany
    July, 2019

    With the atmosphere of the port, São Paulo Companhia de Dança fits in, especially in the second part where viewers commented. […] Brazilians dance with very high energy and several works in their luggage. A super company.

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    Claudia Jeske, Wolfsburger Allgemeine Zeitung / Germany
    July, 2019

    For the beginning of the Movimentos Festival, Autostadt commissioned a new work by São Paulo Companhia de Dança, carried out in co-production. After 2013, the group is invited for the second time to be in the city of Volkswagen. The dancers of this young Company (founded in 2008) are versatile and able to alternate between classical and contemporary dance. They are characterized by versatility.

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    Ariane Bavelier, Le Figaro Scope / France
    April, 2019

    The São Paulo Companhia de Dança grows with the same freedom. She is still young, was created in 2008 and directed by Inês Bogéa. […] Inês Bogéa gave São Paulo a repertoire full of classics, such as OThe Swan Lake. Nothing is easy in Brazil […] But Inês does not stop at this type of detail. With her experience as a former dancer at Grupo Corpo, she selected two elements: virtuosity, born of discipline, and flexibility, typically Brazilian that transforms the body with a more sensual gesture.

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    Fátima Nollen, Dancing Times / Great Britain
    August, 2018

    Despite the financial crisis in Brazil, a new dance company has emerged in the last decade, which collects praise for its quality, its diverse repertoire and its cast. […] For the tenth anniversary, the festivities began with a tour of festivals in Germany, Austria, France and Luxembourg, a tour that left the audience electrified and excited. It is the work of SPCD in Brazil, however, that makes it so relevant. Ivan Grandi believes that “São Paulo is one of the most solid companies in Brazil, as it offers classical and contemporary works to the public and a wide field for choreographies and dancers in different styles and genres”. Many Brazilian dancers need a place to work, and Rodrigo Pederneiras thinks: “SPCD is fundamental for dance in Brazil. Because there are not many companies in Brazil. Its eclectic repertoire, all the activity with different choreographers, plus the rich educational work it develops makes it a leader among its peers. ” […] On a practical note, [Mario] Galizzi [a reference in South American dance] emphasizes that Inês Bogéa is also a wonderful example of an artistic administrator. “She finds sponsors, organizes tours and conferences and receives numerous invitations to perform throughout Brazil and beyond; that makes her a great director. Márcia Haydée also told me about Bogéa in similar terms. […]

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    Sabine Rampe, Verkleinert / Germany
    May, 2018

    […] Undoubtedly, the summer made an early debut. In the city theater the thermometer should rise a few degrees more at the moment. What the dancers of the Brazilian company show is characterized by irrepressible and apparently inexhaustible power. In the end, only the audience remains a breathless track. […] São Paulo Dace Company is young. Founded just ten years ago, the troupe, led by Inês Bogéa, has already made a name. The repertoire is extremely diverse, including classic and contemporary works.

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    Tina Brambrink, Ruhrfestspiele / Germany
    May, 2018

    The public is enthusiasm comes from the bottom of their hearts and cuts the silence at the Ruhrfestspielhaus. At this moment, the São Paulo Dance Company enchants the entire hall. This cosmos of movements is highly poetic, witty and powerful, but precise, technically brilliant and surprising, that one wishes to have more eyes so as not to lose any of the magicians of the body on stage. […] 75 minutes of pure pleasure. Beautiful – very short! Only after several minutes of applause did the audience disappear on the pleasant spring night.

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    Nicolaus Schimidt, BNN Mantel Kritik / Germany
    April, 2018

    […] In the sunny south, juggling watermelons and bottles, the peasants are happy, Kitri performs his fouettés when he passes the bullfighters, while Basilio flirts with the girls. The Company shows expressive dancers, among them the tall Joca Antunes gives Don Quixote an old-fashioned poetic elegance and drives away all opponents, and Bruno Veloso, the man with small steps, a virtuous dancer who plays Sancho Panza. Also noteworthy for André Grippi and Geivison Moreira as the two bullfighters, Diego de Paula as the virile sensual leader of the Gypsies, Luiza Yuk as Dulcinea, Daniel Reca as the young Gamacho. Thamiris Prata, as Kitri representing academic dance very well. Overall, a triumph for the group.

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    MC, Kronen Zeitung / Austria
    April, 2018

    On Saturday, São Paulo Companhia de Dança performed with three different choreographies at TanzTagen at Linz Posthof. The local audience was electrified and thanked the acclaimed Latin American dance group with endless applause. […] The São Paulo Dance Company left nothing to be desired: Gen, from Cassi Abranches, had a feminine and swinging note and demanded the highest level from the group. With Nacho Duato’s Gnawa, the company finally unleashed a fiery enthusiasm.

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    Kasch, Nachrichten / Austria
    April, 2018

    The audience repeatedly called the dancers back on stage with their applause and stamping on the ground, even before the break and even more after an hour and a half of presentation with the São Paulo Dace Company, which left everyone speechless. […] So perfect, precise and at the same time quick are the movements that the eye can hardly follow. So soft, delicate and at the same time strong are the dancers, so incredible the experience as a whole, that it takes your breath away and it is difficult to sum it up in words. Pure dance, of the highest level. ”[…] A fascinating night, where it is
    best to simply let yourself go, to delight in wonder. […]

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    Madame Figaro / France
    April, 2018

    Brazilian dance is not necessarily limited to samba and carnival, the São Paulo Dance Company made Lyon vibrate, with the direction of
    Inês Bogéa, former dancer of Grupo Corpo, who now represents and guides this young company that , with talent and energy, starts to compete with the biggest international groups. Perfect technique achieved in classical training, coupled with a beautiful sensitivity of interpretation, which lends itself perfectly to the presentation of choreographers like the German Marco Goecke and his sensitive (Peekaboo) to eight dancers, or Uwe Scholz who, with music by Rachmaninov, is inspired by Kandinsky’s paintings for a work of beautiful pictorial elegance.

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    Günter Pick, Tanznetz / Germany
    February, 2018

    This series saw the São Paulo Dance Company, which could also be called the Brazilian NDT. Not only because all of the program’s choreographers also worked for NDT, but because the dancers dance at the same high level. Billy Forsythe did not write his masterpiece In the Middle, Somewhat Elevated, which the Company showed during its presentation, neither to its Frankfurt dance group nor to NDT, but to the artists of the Paris Opera ballet. However, São Paulo has nothing to be ashamed of and if there was a championship of groups of dancers (God forbid something like that), they could take their place on the podium as a purely Brazilian group.

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    Eva Maria Magel, Spielzeit / Germany
    April, 2017

    […] The first challenge is to watch Vivaldi's fifty-minute performance created by La La La Human Steps founder Édouard Lock. Its cold technique is easily executed by the Brazilian company of very high performance.

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